The Basics
Resolutions Substance Abuse Services is a substance abuse treatment facility offering outpatient programs to the Iowa City, Iowa, community. Resolutions Substance Abuse Services has both a basic outpatient track and an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), both utilizing evidence based methods. Intervention services and recovery options are available for both adults and adolescents.
Treatment and Staff
Treatment starts with an initial 60- to 90-minute assessment to help the Master’s-level counselors form an individualized treatment plan for each client. The intake process may include a written test as well as a drug and alcohol screening.
RSAS has both a basic outpatient track—or the “extended” program—and an IOP. The IOP consists of group and individual therapy sessions held on a weekly basis totaling 12 sessions over a four-month period. Depending on the needs of the client, treatment may focus on pain management, co-occurring disorders treatment, adolescent-specific topics, adult or geriatric topics, relapse prevention and adult children of alcoholics sessions. Families and loved ones are included in the therapeutic process upon request and treatment topics such as co-dependency and communication for those living with an addict or an abuser are integrated into the session.
The staff at Resolutions Substance Abuse Services consists of a Medical Doctor, CADCs, clinicians and a prevention specialist.
In addition to outpatient substance abuse treatment programs, Resolutions Substance Abuse Services also offers a range of other community services and programs. A 12-hour OWI course, a marijuana diversion course, an alcohol diversion course and urinary analysis testing are all available to clients and community members.
In Summary
Resolutions Substance Abuse Services’ commitment to the individual and their recovery is a good choice for those seeking a flexible outpatient program. Led by a team of professionals, clients may choose either a basic track or IOP that are flexible allowing for life schedules. With individualized treatment plans and a variety of specialty groups, clients can get support for co-occurring disorders. As a bonus, both adolescents and seniors may find groups particularly focused on their unique needs.
Resolutions Substance Abuse Services
220 Lafayette St
Iowa City, IA 52240
Resolutions Substance Abuse Services Cost: Sliding scale. Reach Resolutions Substance Abuse Services by phone at (319) 351-9760. Find Resolutions Substance Abuse Services on Facebook
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