The Basics
Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, A Good Life Counseling provides outpatient treatment for substance abuse. Services such as mandated alcohol and drug treatment, DUI evaluations and individual therapy are offered. Rooted in evidence based therapies, clients engage in traditional talk therapy to deal with their issues. Learning positive coping skills while focusing on relapse prevention, clients gain the strength they need to live a sober life.
Treatment and Staff
A Good Life Counseling offers treatment and education for substance abuse based on each individual’s needs. Services such as evaluations, DUI education and individual counseling are all available, though detox is not.
Mandatory alcohol and drug evaluations are done over the course of two weeks. Each evaluation includes a urinalysis, a background check and a 10-page assessment. For those ordered into treatment, this facility offers education and therapy. State certified Level I consists of 12 hours of education, while Level II consists of 24 hours of education. Level II therapy follows, and can range from five to 10 months depending on the track assigned. Track A offers 42 hours, track B offers 52 hours, track C offers 68 hours and track D offers 86 hours. Track assignment depends on whether a person has prior impaired driving offenses and their blood alcohol content at the time.
For those who haven’t been convicted of a DUI, there is a program that meets a minimum of six hours a week, between three and five days a week. This is done on an individual basis, focusing on topics such as such as relapse prevention, coping skills and the 12 steps. Evidence-based therapies such as CBT and DBT are used frequently.
The staff consists of certified addiction counselors and group sizes range from 10 to 15 clients at a time.
Therapy specifically designed for relapse prevention, anger management, empathy for DUI offenders and couples is available. For minors who have been convicted with possession, there is an eight-hour interactive journaling course which occurs on the last Saturday of each month. It is split into four sections: abuse and addiction, faulty beliefs, family dynamics. Urine analysis and drug testing is available as well. All classes are available in English and Spanish.
In Summary
A Good Life Counseling brings quality care to the those who are suffering from substance abuse. Through evidence-based therapies, clients work towards a life of sobriety. There are a range of DUI services, as well as individual outpatient treatment for non DUI offenders. While it may not be right for those looking for a more well rounded, intensive program, A Good Life Counseling could be perfect for someone who thrives in a one-on-one setting.
A Good Life Counseling
1715 Monterey Rd, Suite 120
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
A Good Life Counseling Cost: $150 (evaluations), $40 (per hour of non DUI outpatient/individual therapy). Reach A Good Life Counseling by phone at (719) 632-8654 or email at Find A Good Life Counseling on Facebook
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