The Basics
In August of 1970, the Turning Point Agency began offering substance abuse counseling services for the local youth in Visalia, California. Seven years later, Turning Point expanded their services to offer residential and outpatient treatment in Bakersfield, California. The Kennemer Center Residential Treatment Program for men opened shortly after to offer services through the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Operating as a nonprofit corporation, Turning Point and KCRTP works to provide a continuum of care for men looking for a fresh start without the use of alcohol and drugs.
Accommodations and Food
The Kennemer facility is a large hotel-like property in Bakersfield that can accommodate up to 150 clients at a time in 75 apartment-like units. Surrounded by green lawns and palm trees, residents can take advantage of expansive, cultivated grounds. Clients sleep two per room with either bunk bed arrangements or two twin beds. Each room has its own bathroom with a shower. Rooms have their own closet space and dresser drawers shared between roommates.
All treatment and housing occurs on the same property, with common rooms for clients to attend groups and classes with the staff members. Residents can spend free time in the media room where TVs and a DVD player are set up with ample couches and space for socializing. The media room also serves as space for AA/NA meetings several times per week allowing clients the opportunity to develop a recovery community to support them after treatment. Connected to the classrooms is a large cafeteria where clients eat communal meals three times per day—all food is donated by a local Costco. Meals are healthy comfort food, and coffee is served throughout the day.
Treatment and Staff
Kennemer is a therapeutic and structured environment for men looking for more intensive substance abuse treatment. While Kennemer primarily houses individuals referred by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the facility is also open to the public. All potential clients meet with intake staff members for an assessment. Once admitted, clients and their counselors work together to create an individualized treatment plan. Average treatment length is two to six months to ensure clients can have a solid discharge plan when treatment ends.
Once admitted, residents engage daily in recovery based activities including group therapy and 12-step meetings. Groups utilize psychoeducation and help clients understand the repercussions of continued substance abuse. Classes use educational videos followed by group discussion. Both groups and classes are held daily.
Individual therapy is offered once per week, and is conducted by CADCs. Therapy methods include behavioral modification and application of 12-step principles. Clinical staff not only work with clients to improve their mental condition but also to develop their job skills and readiness to enter the workforce. For clients struggling with co-occurring disorders, the staff are equipped to offer dual diagnosis support. Additional therapy and group sessions are arranged at the discretion of the clinical staff. Clients also participate rigorously in the recovery community for support and social skill building. Participation in AA/NA community activities incorporates a service aspect to the client’s recovery. Random drug testing and alcohol screenings are conducted.
Privileges are completely dependent upon each client’s progress during their stay. Cell phones are permitted once a resident has secured employment. Phone lines are available for residents to use at any time, but only for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Visitors are allowed on weekends during the afternoon, but only approved family members or spouses. Day-passes are given at the discretion of the client’s counselor and depend on the activity.
The staff includes CADCs, case mangers who are LCSWs, consulting psychiatrists and psychologists, as well as administrators, janitorial and kitchen staff.
Kennemer staff also work with the family unit to develop understanding and awareness. Family therapy is scheduled according to the loved one’s willingness to participate and their schedules.
The residents at Kennemer regularly engage in social activities and community services for the benefit of their long-term sobriety. The facility often organizes activities that include movies, park outings and BBQs. Clients also participate in recovery community activities including local marathon meetings, potlucks and sober-dances. All clients are monitored by the staff at all times during these outings but also encouraged to have fun.
Turning Point also offers several specialized outpatient substance abuse counseling services for criminal justice clients. The Fresno Federal Aftercare program offers drug abuse prevention, counseling, and mental health treatment services to males under contract with the US Court System. The Integrated Services for Mentally Ill Parolee day treatment program is for parolees who suffer from substance abuse as well as a diagnosed mental illness. The program focus is stabilization of parolees and reintegration into the community.
In Summary
The Kennemer Center provides a thorough residential treatment model to support their clients. Since a majority of clients enter through the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, specific skills and therapeutic processes are in place before re-entry into the community. This is a great choice for clients to gain knowledge on addiction and alcoholism, develop a support network through 12-step communities and acquire job skills during their treatment.
Kennemer Center Residential Treatment
1100 Union Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93307
Kennemer Center Residential Treatment Program Cost: Free. Reach Kennemer Center Residential Treatment Program by phone at (661) 861-6111. Find Kennemer Center Residential Treatment Program on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn
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