The Basics
The Buddy’s House network of sober living homes in Yuba City, California provides 30 facilities in five counties for 160 clients in recovery from chemical dependency. Besides Yuba, locations include houses in Sacramento, Butte and Sutter counties. The houses offer two distinct living environments—phase one houses for newcomers, and phase two houses for those with some time clean and sober under their belts. Buddy’s House provides referrals for clients seeking detox, outpatient or other substance abuse treatment services.
Accommodations and Amenities
The houses vary in size and structure, but typically are large, comfortable homes located in quiet residential neighborhoods. At Buddy’s House, there are houses for men, women, married couples and single women with children. One house has a spacious backyard with a swimming pool, patio table, chairs and a huge tree providing ample shade. Newcomers are paired in double-occupancy rooms, while single rooms are provided for those in a phase two facility. Amenities at each house include Cable TV, Wi-Fi, detergent, washers and dryers.
Basic food staples including canned veggies, frozen food, pasta, coffee, bread and pizza are included for newcomers. Clients desiring fresh food, salads and vegetarian cuisine must purchase those items on their own. Phase two residents are responsible for their own groceries and meal preparation. Fully equipped kitchens are available in all facilities.
Rules and Regulations
At Buddy’s House, clients are accepted at various stages of recovery, including those undergoing detox, with the belief that all clients have to start somewhere, as long as they have the desire to stop drinking or using. The phase one house for the newcomer includes in-house 12-step meetings and peer support. For clients undergoing severe withdrawal symptoms, medical referrals are provided. Additionally, clients who would be better served in a residential treatment or those seeking outpatient services also receive referrals.
Clients are expected to gain employment, or be actively looking for work, as well as attend three weekly 12-step meetings. Random drug and alcohol testing is conducted. At Buddy’s House, there is zero tolerance for those testing positive on drug and alcohol screenings, violence, unethical behavior and sexual misconduct. The curfew of phase one is 11 pm Sundays through Thursdays and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
The phase two homes offer more leeway, but still maintain the same zero tolerance policy. The atmosphere is more like a college dorm, but clients are required to attend regular 12-step meetings, work the steps and maintain employment. There is no maximum length of stay. Clients can reside at phase two for years.
Buddy’s House provides professional reference letters for clients in good standing, which assist them in obtaining permanent housing.
In Summary
Former clients rave about Buddy’s House, saying that it creates an environment where peer support played a huge factor in their recovery. While Buddy’s House might be flexible about which individuals are admitted into their homes, they have strict zero tolerance policies regarding relapse, and are committed to maintaining a safe, sober living environment.
Buddy’s House Main Office
1770 North Magnolia Drive
Yuba City, CA 95991
Buddy’s House Cost: $400-$650 (30 days). Reach Buddy’s House by phone at (530) 674-1049 or by email. Find Buddy’s House on Facebook and Google+
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