The Basics
Based in the small hamlet of Ellsworth, Wisconsin, Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services’ Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program is a government-sponsored behavioral health entity. The program offers substance abuse treatment on an outpatient basis and is available to all Pierce County residents.
Treatment and Staff
There is no detox offered through Pierce County, though clients in need can be referred to an accommodating facility. While many come to the program as the result of a court mandate, there are self-referred clients as well. The most comprehensive track is the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), which consists of two 90-minute group sessions a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5:30pm. Clients receive individual therapy on an as-needed basis. Sessions are led by LADCs who utilize evidence-based treatment with an emphasis on CBT. Clients are also introduced to 12-step recovery concepts and referred to local AA/NA meetings. The program also offers dual diagnosis support in the form of individual sessions led by a mental health counselor. There is also a psychiatrist on staff who assists in the co-occurring disorders program and provides medication management.
While the length of the program varies, clients typically spend three months in the IOP, before transitioning to a traditional outpatient program, which consists of one group session a week. From there, aftercare is offered in the form of one group or individual session a week with an emphasis on relapse prevention. Typically, most clients spend six to eight months participating in the Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program.
In addition to its outpatient program for substance abuse, Pierce County also offers a variety of additional services including DUI assessments; classes and programs that address various court requirements; intervention services for family members; emergency care and pre-treatment education programs about the nature of addiction.
In Summary
A valuable resource for local residents, the Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program offers a comprehensive IOP with dual diagnosis component, as well as additional services that enable clients to meet the requirements of a court mandate.
Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program
412 W. Kinne St
PO Box 670
Ellsworth, WI 54011
Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program Cost: Sliding scale. Reach Pierce County Wisconsin Human Services: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Program by phone at (715) 273-676.
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