The Basics
The Guidance Center was established in 1969 as a community mental health facility offering a range of behavioral and mental health services and programs. With multiple locations in Flagstaff, Arizona, clients have access to a network of professionals and treatment options. The substance abuse treatment services at TGC offer both an inpatient and an outpatient program as well as transitional care.
Food and Accommodations
The accommodations at TGC are dormitory style, with each client sharing a double-occupancy room with one other client and communal bathrooms. There is a recreation room with cable TV, computers, games and lounging areas. There is also a living room, separate rooms for meetings and a fully equipped kitchen. Meals are provided three times a day in a cafeteria-style setting and include healthy options such as a vegetable dish, a meat or fish and some type of pasta or bread.
Treatment and Staff
Treatment program options include both outpatient and inpatient. The outpatient program implements the Matrix Model of treatment and lasts 16 weeks. This individualized track includes weekly individual therapy sessions scheduled independently with counselors and group therapy held Monday through Friday with daytime and evening sessions available. Groups include: anger management, peer support, a women’s group, trauma group, talking circles and a transition group. The needs of each client determine which groups would be most beneficial.
The inpatient program is also based in the Matrix model of treatment and is goal-oriented. Clients attend one individual session per day and two group sessions. Psychiatric evaluations are scheduled when appropriate and medication management is available as needed. Education is also integrated into the program and the client’s progress is monitored closely. The 12 steps are not incorporated into the program.
The staff at TGC consists of PHDs, LPCs, Medical Doctors and Licensed Associate Substance Abuse Counselors (LASACs).
The transitional living program at the Guidance Center provides stabilization services and support for high-risk individuals requiring a safe environment to begin their sober journey. Services include nutrition, education, case management and outpatient treatment. Additional mental health care is also available for individuals needing help with depression, anxiety, trauma or PTSD.
In addition to the substance abuse treatment programs, TGC also offers a variety of other behavioral and mental health services. There are child and adolescent services, housing services, wellness services, psychiatric services, medical services, general health services, a pharmacy and a clinic.
In Summary
The Guidance Center offers two solid substance abuse treatment programs for clients seeking either outpatient or more intensive inpatient treatment. Both follow the Matrix Model of treatment and allow for clients to have structure while still finding their own path to recovery.
The Guidance Center
2187 N Vickey St
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
The Guidance Center Cost: Sliding scale. Reach The Guidance Center by phone at (928) 527-1899. Find The Guidance Center on Facebook
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Photo courtesy of Nicholas from Pennsylvania, USA (Environs) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons (resized and cropped)
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