The Basics
CleanSlate is a nation-wide treatment organization with seven locations in Pennsylvania. The facilities provide specialized care for clients struggling with alcohol and opioid use disorders. CleanSlate Centers utilize Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) in conjunction with biological, psychological and social components. Clients receive top notch personalized care as well as referrals to 12-step meetings.
Treatment and Staff
Before beginning treatment, individuals undergo a comprehensive intake assessment that includes a personal medical history and detailed account of substance use. The results determine the best possible treatment strategy.
Client then typically transition immediately into the detox program. CleanSlate specializes in the use of Suboxone to curb uncomfortable withdrawal effects while preventing cravings, so that clients can focus on other components of the program. After completing detox, the facility provides continued support through the use of Vivitrol, a monthly injection that helps to prevent relapse by blocking the effects of opioids.
CleanSlate employs MAT along with supplemental therapeutic methods including psychoeducation and evidence-based therapies. Therapists facilitate individual and group therapy sessions rooted in CBT and DBT. While monitoring behavior is an integral aspect to the programming, CleanSlate also provides psychoeducation classes. The aim is to educate clients on the chronic disease of addiction. In addition, the facility offers Subutex for pregnant clients.
The CleanSlate Pennsylvania locations employ nurses, physician assistants, clinicians and therapists. The facility specializes in the use of Suboxone, Vivitrol, Subutex and Zubsolv. Staff refer clients with co-occurring disorders to local partners.
CleanSlate also offers other services including translation and transportation as well as urine tests. It treats clients by appointment or walk-in.
In Summary
With seven facilities in the state, CleanSlate has a substantial presence in Pennsylvania. CleanSlate specializes in the administration of Suboxone, Vivitrol and Subutex for clients struggling with alcohol and opioids like fentanyl and heroin. In addition, the facility helps to set them up for a long-term sustainable recovery through evidence-based counseling and case management. For individuals seeking an experienced, compassionate team of professionals and a comprehensive curriculum of care, CleanSlate is a great resource.
CleanSlate Pennsylvania Locations
501 Howard Ave, Ste #A202
Altoona, PA 16601
3380 Memphis St
Philadelphia, PA 19134
1500 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19147
107 Mt. Nebo Point Dr, Ste 101
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
1020 West Lackawanna Aven
Scranton, PA 18504
100 Wilkes-Barre Blvd, Ste 103
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
329 Pine St
Williamsport, PA 17701
CleanSlate Pennsylvania Cost
Call for details; Medicare, Medicaid and most insurances accepted. Reach CleanSlate by phone at 833-505-HOPE. Find CleanSlate Centers on Facebook
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