The Basics
75th Medical Group/SGOWS, ADAPT provides substance abuse and mental health treatment services on Hill Air Force Base in Utah. This facility serves active duty military members, offering personalized care on a outpatient basis. Through processing, the 12 steps and CBT, clients learn how to live in sobriety.
Treatment and Staff
ADAPT offers outpatient treatment for men and women who are active duty members of the military. Clients may be referred by a commander or a nearby medical center. Self-admittance is permitted as long as clients have no previous record of getting into trouble with the law or with their commanding officer for alcohol and drug related issues. Treatment is rooted in the 12 steps and talk therapy. Referrals for more intensive programs such as detox, residential or Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) can be made upon request.
The outpatient program for substance abuse includes a mixture of individual and group therapy. Individual sessions occur once a week for 45 to 60 minutes and clients are given plenty of time to delve into personal issues. They learn coping skills, how to strengthen communication and focus on relapse prevention. Support for co-occurring mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can be addressed.
Group therapy also occurs on a weekly basis. This hour and half group covers topics such as the 12 steps, processing, communication, stress management and anger management. Evidence based therapies such as CBT are used to help clients change their negative thought patterns. Typically, clients stay in this level of care for two to three months.
When it comes to the 12 steps, clients are highly encouraged to attend several AA/NA meetings during the week and obtain a sponsor. By participating in this recovery based community regularly, their chances of staying sober long-term increases greatly. However, sponsorship and meeting attendance is optional.
The staff includes active duty counselors and group sizes range from two to eight people at a time.
Once a client is ready to leave outpatient, they can transition into the aftercare program. This includes a bi-weekly group session that focuses on processing. As they progress, they can taper down their individual sessions to once or twice a month. Clients usually stay in this level of care for eight to nine months, although this can vary from person to person.
In Summary
75th Medical Group/SGOWS, ADAPT offers substance abuse treatment to active duty military members of both sexes. Using a mixture of individual and group therapy, clients learn new ways of coping with stress. Support for mental health issues can be found during the one-on-one sessions. Thanks to the small group sizes and military staff, clients can feel comfortable and understood.
75th Medical Group/SGOWS, ADAPT
7309 Balmer Street, Bldg 545
Hill AFB, UT 84056
75th Medical Group/SGOWS, ADAPT Cost: Covered through military insurance. Reach 75th Medical Group/SGOWS, ADAPT by phone at (801) 777-7909.
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Photo courtesy of HillTopTimes
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