The Basics
Having prepped for its opening for two years, Sunflower Wellness Retreat (SWR) has served the Kansas City Metro area since June 2015, when it first opened its doors. Located just 45 minutes from downtown Kansas City, SWR offers 12-step based treatment for substance abuse and gambling addiction to adults of 18 years and over, in a co-ed residential setting that spans 12 acres.
Accommodations and Food
The SWR facility is all-inclusive with a maximum client load of just 20 individuals. SWR provides all private rooms, in a large facility, separating clients by gender into a male and female wing. There is a shared indoor lounge area with flat screen TV and a smoking section outside in the back. The facility is Wi-Fi enabled and clients may use phones or the Internet with staff permission.
Clients are responsible to prepare their own breakfast, using the kitchen’s full stock of fruits, breads and cereals. Lunch and dinner are catered by an in-house chef who offers various menu options.
Treatment and Staff
Clients of SWR take part in 30 hours of 12-step based group therapy per week with licensed counselors. No food or cell phones are allowed in group. SWR takes a mind and body approach to recovery, expecting clients to hit the gym for an hour and a half every day Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8 and 10 am. From 10 am to 1 pm time is taken up by group, followed by lunch, and more group from 2 to 5 pm. Evenings are reserved for 12-step meetings, watching recovery based videos, participating in art therapy or meditation. A lengthy 12-step focused workshop is held every Tuesday for 90 minutes, while an on-site AA/NA meeting takes place on Friday nights.
Clients may also go on group outings twice a week to attend 12-step meetings in town. Weekend schedules permit more free time. On Saturdays clients may have a barbecue or visit the nearby lake. On Sundays, clients have the option of going to church or having visitors. Lights out is at 10:30 pm during the week and midnight on weekends. A 7:30 am wake up time is observed during the week and 8:30 on weekends.
SWR staff includes LCSWs and CADCs and is led by a medical doctor whose career focus of over 20 years has been working with addiction. While SWR does not typically offer dual-diagnosis support, a psychiatrist can be brought in for clients with co-occurring disorders, as needed.
There are variety of exercise and recreation options outside the main building, such as a volleyball court, a fire pit, a deluxe fitness center with a gym and pool.
SWR’s residential gambling program runs 28 days. Kansas residents are eligible for “no out of pocket” treatment.
In Summary
Sunflower Wellness Retreat offers comprehensive services in a comfortable setting. While the focus on exercise and the 12-step modality may not be for everyone, it’s offered by SWR at fairly reasonable cost for those who are so inclined. Furthermore, SWR doesn’t want money to come in between a potential client and the service they need. With this in mind, they accept most insurance, offers a 10% cash discount for full payment and even have Retreat Scholarship awards available.
Sunflower Wellness Retreat
29875 West 339th St
Osawatomie, KS 66064
Sunflower Wellness Retreat Cost: $14,500 (30 days–additional doctor visits and medication are provided at separate charge). Reach Sunflower Wellness Retreat by phone at (913) 755-4357 or by email at Find Sunflower Wellness Retreat on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
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Photo courtesy of AlcoholHelpCenter
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