One of the most challenging parts of recovery from opioid addiction can be overcoming the physical pain and discomfort associated with withdrawal. The Waismann Method® team provides patients with rapid detox and other forms of medical opiate detox, which allows for a quicker and more comfortable detox treatment. It also allows opioid users to immediately begin addressing the emotional, mental and physical pain that has contributed to their addiction.
“Most patients we see use opioids in order to self-medicate some kind of distress such as physical pain, emotional pain, or a combination of both,” said Clare Waismann, certified addiction counselor and founder of the Waismann Method®.
Nearly 20 years ago, the Waismann team broke the mold of traditional treatment, by offering anesthesia assisted opiate detoxification, also known as rapid detox. The goal was to provide a more comfortable method of detoxification, with fewer and shorter withdrawal symptoms. The team quickly realized that patients needed a place for additional recovery care; a safe and comfortable environment, where professionals can assist and assess them through this challenging adaptation period.
“I was surprised to find that most treatment rehabs had a pre-set, ‘one size fits all’ treatment and protocols were based on stigma, judgement and ubiquitous unnecessary labeling. I also found out that many addiction treatment providers were focusing their efforts on the addiction, as if it was a living breathing being. Meanwhile, the physical and emotional needs of the individual were often overlooked.”
That prompted Waismann to create Domus Retreat, a unique inpatient treatment facility in Orange County. At Domus, there is no preset length of stay, nor treatment protocols. There is no pressure to participate in groups, chores or activities. The purpose is to help each client heal in a private, nurturing and comfortable manner, while identifying emotional conditions, which are often the culprit of the opiate addiction. We believe that knowledge and support are the best tools for maintaining a healthy opiate-free life.
“In these last two decades, the demographic of opioid dependence and its victims has changed. Today, addiction to opioid painkillers and heroin have crossed every social barrier,” said Waismann. “Also, social changes have meant we had to adjust how we view and treat opioid addiction.”
“Today, patients, especially young adults, seem to have more issues with coping mechanisms and difficulty relating to others; conditions such as depression, anxiety and trauma appear to be the norm. People feel disconnected, have less tolerance to any disappointments or discomforts and expect instant gratification,” she said. “It is an uncertain time in our world and society, in which drugs have become more potent and more lethal. Our methods are constantly changing and evolving in order to provide the best and most successful opiate detox treatment available.”
Most of this evolution has been focused on creating and modifying treatment plans based on each patient’s medical and psychological evaluation. Waismann Method team works with patients from 18 to 80 years of age. The individuals have become opioid dependent for various reasons and with different degrees of physical and emotional issues. Understanding someone’s pain is essential to pinpoint the treatment that will work best for them.
Overall, Waismann believes it is crucial to a successful outcome that “the person” is treated, rather than focusing on the addiction.
“Addiction is a consequence of a condition which frequently has not been adequately diagnosed or treated.”
Waismann Method renowned rapid detox is performed in an accredited hospital in Southern California. Patients are admitted into their private room where a comprehensive medical evaluation is conducted by a quadruple board-certified medical director (Dr. Michael H. Lowenstein) and other qualified medical specialists. After a few days in the hospital, patients are able to proceed to Domus Retreat for further care through recovery and evaluation without the numbing effects of opioids, which often masks the primary condition.
“Since we work with patients in a variety of situations, including people with chronic and debilitating medical and psychiatric conditions, we do not define success as complete abstinence from all mood altering substances. We are not against drugs. Drugs can save lives when properly used and not abused. Our treatment specialists focus on defining success by providing patients with the best possible long-term quality of life.”
“That’s how we succeed.”
To learn more about Waismann Method, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and our Instagram
Photo provided by Waismann Method; used with permission.
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