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The Basics
The non-profit North Island Supportive Recovery Society operates Second Chance Recovery House, a residential treatment program for men in Campbell River, British Columbia. Second Chance opened its doors in 1990, and provides a 28-day program that can be extended to 45 days, if needed. Clients can detox in the home and then proceed to the treatment program that features daily processing and peer support groups using evidence-based methods of treatment.
Accommodations and Food
Second Chance is situated in a quiet residential neighborhood in Campbell River, a coastal town on the east coast of Vancouver Island. The home has four beds for detox clients and the remaining six are for those enrolled in the treatment program.
The décor of the home is traditional and comfortable, and there’s a living room for games and television. Clients have roommates and help the kitchen staff prepare the day’s meals.
Treatment and Staff
Upon admission, clients have a stabilization period of three to five days. During this time, whether detoxing or not, residents are required to stay in the house under staff supervision. After, they can leave for recreation and shopping with their “house buddy,” a client farther along in recovery who has been assigned as a mentor.
Clients begin their day by completing a chore assignment then participating in two blocks of group therapy on Monday through Friday and one block on Saturdays. Groups are facilitated by recovery support workers and address the disease model of addiction, anger management and co-dependency. Clients are taught CBT skills to facilitate coping skills and relapse prevention. In the evenings, clients attend a minimum of five weekly 12-step meetings each week.
Days at Second Chance allow for ample free time. During these hours, staff take clients to doctor’s appointments and clients may visit outside therapists and counselors or take trips to the local library. Most clients arrive at Second Chance by referral from a community agency, and these referral sources often connect clients requiring dual diagnosis support to therapists and psychiatrists. However, Second Chance’s staff help clients access further support, if needed.
As they near the end of their treatment plan, Second Chance’s recovery support workers help clients create aftercare plans which may include on-going group therapy and peer support meetings.
Second Chance clients can have family visit on Sundays. Once they’ve completed their initial stabilization phase, they receive gym and pool passes to visit the nearby recreation center.
In Summary
For over 25 years, Second Chance Recovery House has provided low or no-cost residential treatment to men on Vancouver Island. With only 10 men in treatment at any one time, each client receives considerable individual attention and care. Clients are supported in connecting with outside clinicians and peer support groups, ensuring they’ll have a stable recovery network upon leaving the home.
Second Chance Recovery House
North Island Supportive Recovery Society
P.O. Box 996
Campbell River, BC
V9W 6Y4
Second Chance Recovery Society Cost: $1,650 CAD self-pay ($1260.65 per publishing day exchange rate, 30 days); government grants and subsidies are available. Reach Second Chance Recovery Society by phone at (250) 830-1103 and by email at
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