The Basics
Phoenix Counseling Center has been providing the residents of Southwest Oregon with outpatient substance abuse treatment for over 10 years. The non-profit facility works with a variety of state and local agencies to provide low-cost therapy to families and individuals, and tailors its counseling to treat substance abuse in the context of trauma and chronic stress.
Phoenix Counseling aims to provide a holistic, evidence-based treatment approach that is individualized to each client’s recovery goals.
Treatment and Staff
Substance abuse treatment is offered at the standard outpatient level of care. After a two-hour assessment, clients receive a unique treatment plan that includes group therapy once or twice a week and individual therapy every other week. Groups are scheduled on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 7 pm. The duration of treatment is progress-based, with plans lasting anywhere from six weeks to six months. A client’s counselor may also ask the client to attend additional groups at Phoenix as part of their treatment plan—such as parenting, DUI education or support groups tailored for women and adolescents.
The treatment team at Phoenix includes LPCs, MDs and CADCs. Its clinical coordinator specializes in treating mental health and substance abuse co-occurring disorders, but clients in need of comprehensive dual diagnosis support may be referred to outside mental health facilities. Therapy uses trauma-informed care and a variety of evidence-based modalities such as CBT and curricula including Seeking Safety and Living In Balance.
A client’s counselor may include peer support meetings such as 12-step or SMART Recovery in their treatment plan.
Clients are encouraged to bring family members to individual therapy if they think it would be beneficial. Phoenix also has a Suboxone support group for opioid addicts. Services are available in Spanish.
In Summary
For over 10 years, Phoenix Counseling Center has provided extensive group and individual therapy for substance abuse to the residents of Southwest Oregon. With a full complement of parenting and family services as well as coordinated care with local and state service agencies, Phoenix Counseling seeks to help each client create the stability and coping skills needed to succeed in recovery.
Phoenix Counseling Center
149 S. Main St
Phoenix, OR 97535
Phoenix Counseling Center Cost: Accepts insurance. Self-pay for Assessment is $160; $35 for group therapy and $35 for individual therapy. Reach Phoenix Counseling Center by phone at (541) 535-4133 and by email at Find Phoenix Counseling Center on Facebook
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