The Basics
A relatively new organization, Astrue and Associates was founded in 2004 in Portland, Oregon. It offers outpatient substance abuse treatment to adult men and women in Portland and its surrounding communities.
Treatment and Staff
Clients begin the treatment process at Astrue with an in-person assessment with a counselor. During this meeting, the counselor and client discuss the client’s substance abuse history and determine the needed level of care. If the he or she is deemed a good fit for Astrue’s programming, the counselor helps determine a treatment plan. If the client is in need of a higher level of care than outpatient, they will be referred to an outside detox or residential treatment program.
The outpatient program at Astrue consists of a mixture of individual and group therapy. The group meetings are generally small, with five to 10 clients per group led by one counselor. The meetings usually run for an hour and a half and clients attend one to three meetings per week. Counselors aim to address each client’s individual needs in group and use education, sharing, relapse prevention techniques and some CBT. Individual sessions can occur as often as possible, based on the needs of the client. Astrue does not offer 12 step programming, but counselors do highly recommend clients attend outside AA/NA meetings and find a sponsor in the program.
Astrue is dual diagnosis equipped and clients with potential co-occurring disorders regular meet with on-staff mental health counselors for treatment. The staff consists of LPCs, an RN and licensed mental health counselors.
Astrue also offers individual family therapy sessions with the client, counselor and their family members. Clients must initially request these meetings before treatment starts.
Although Astrue does not have an official aftercare program, counselors do offer a gradual step down process to clients as they transition out of the program. This entails clients moving to one group and individual meeting every two weeks and then eventually to once a month.
The organization also offers DUI treatment and in-custody evaluation for court-ordered clients.
In Summary
Astrue and Associates offers affordable treatment for adult men and women in the Portland area. An unlimited number of individual meetings allows clients to not only develop a strong relationship with their counselor, but also receive treatment that specifically addresses their needs. The small size of the groups also ensures that clients receive a high level of individualized attention in these meetings. Also, the gradual discharge process allows clients to transition out of the program at a pace that works with their needs.
Astrue and Associates
511 SW 10th Ave, Ste 904
Portland, OR 97205
Astrue and Associates Cost: $100 (per individual session); $50 (per group session). Reach Astrue and Associates by phone at (503) 220-0520 or by email at Find Astrue and Associates on Facebook
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