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Plainwell Counseling Center

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Plainwell Counseling Center
The Basics

Plainwell Counseling Center was founded in 2007 in Plainwell, Michigan, a small town on the western side of the state. The organization offers outpatient services to adult men and women struggling with addiction and substance abuse.

Treatment and Staff

Plainwell’s intake process begins with an in-person evaluation with a counselor. During this meeting, the counselor goes over Plainwell’s services with the client and helps determine the client’s level of need. If the client wishes to pursue treatment at Plainwell, the counselor sets up a individualized treatment plan. Counselors at Plainwell refer clients who warrant more comprehensive care to outside detox or residential treatment programs.

Plainwell’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) length is dependent on the individual and generally lasts as long as he or she wishes to stay in treatment. The IOP consists of group and individual therapy. Although the intensity of the program varies, clients generally meet with counselors individually twice a week and once a week for a relapse prevention group. The relapse prevention group meets Tuesdays at 5:30 pm and runs for one to two hours. The group is usually very small with no more than three to five people. In both the group and individual meetings, the counselors focus on both education and CBT to address and hopefully change clients’ negative thought patterns. Also, although the program is co-ed, clients are assigned therapists of the same gender for individual counseling.

While in the program, counselors strongly encourage clients to attend outside recovery groups including both AA/NA and SMART Recovery.

The IOP is dual diagnosis, and clients with potential co-occurring disorders not only meet with staff at Plainwell who are trained in mental health but they are also referred to outside primary physicians who can assist them further if need be.

The counseling staff at Plainwell consists of LPCs and LMSWs.


Although Plainwell does not have a specific family program, family members are occasionally invited to attend the relapse prevention group with the client. This practice is aimed at involving the family members more in the client’s treatment and also educating them on substance abuse issues.

Plainwell does not offer aftercare, but does let clients gradually step down to meeting with their therapist once every two weeks, and then eventually just once a month. Clients are also strongly encouraged to find a sponsor and continue receiving support through 12-step recovery.

Plainwell also offers individual counseling to address issues such as anger management, PTSD and abuse. These services are also available to children and adolescents.

In Summary

Plainwell Counseling Center offers an affordable outpatient treatment program for adults looking to conquer addiction. The focus on CBT and relapse prevention targets negative behavioral patterns and provides clients with a path to a healthier life. Also, the inclusion of family members into the group therapy allows families to work through the treatment process together, which is usually the foundation for a solid path to long-term sobriety.

Plainwell Counseling Center
319 Park St
Plainwell, MI 49080

Plainwell Counseling Center Cost: Sliding Scale. Reach Plainwell Counseling Center by phone at (269) 685-9401 or by email. Find Plainwell Counseling Center on Facebook

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