The Basics
Westbrook Health Services provides outpatient behavioral health treatment to adults and adolescents throughout Ohio. Facilities can be found in eight counties including Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt and Wood County. Outpatient services for substance abuse treatment include assessments, detox, basic outpatient treatment and gender-specific Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). Dual diagnosis support is also available with medication management and therapy for mental health issues. Using both the 12 steps and evidence-based therapies as a foundation for recovery, clients learn how to live in sobriety.
Treatment and Staff
Before entering the Westbrook program, each client undergoes an initial evaluation. From there, an individualized treatment plan is mapped out. Individuals in need of an intensive level of support are enrolled in IOP. Separate six-week programs for adult men and women are offered, zeroing in on issues related to each gender. The women’s IOP meets Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to noon, with the men’s meeting during the same time blocks on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Both programs includes a mixture of individual and group therapy. Group topics include life skills, anger management, introduction to the 12-steps, relapse prevention and communication skills. The women’s program hones in on specific issues such as childcare, domestic violence and trauma. There is also a co-ed evening group that meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 8 pm. Evidence based therapies such as CBT, DBT and psycho-educational methods are often used. Those suffering from mental health issues can have them addressed through talk therapy and medication management with a psychiatrist.
IOP is also available for adolescents. This six-week co-ed group meets on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 pm. The structure of this program is similar to adult IOP, although group sessions focus on adolescent specific issues such as self esteem and family dynamics.
When clients complete IOP, they can continue with a weekly relapse prevention group on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 pm and Thursdays from 9 to 10 am. There is also a two-week motivational recovery program that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to noon. Over the course of four group sessions, clients address the consequences of abusing alcohol and drugs, denial patterns related to substance abuse and the benefits of not using alcohol and drugs.
The medication assistance program uses Suboxone or methadone to help chronic opiate addicts safely withdraw from drugs. Clients are also required to attend two hour-long group sessions per week offered on Mondays and Fridays from 8 to 9 am, 10 to 11 am and 3 to 4 pm. Groups include psycho-educational methods, evidence-based therapies and coping skills. The length of this program varies depending on the individual.
The staff consists of LADCs, nurses, physicians, psychiatrists and support staff. Groups max out at 12 people at a time.
Westbrook offers a range of additional services such as a weekly medication assisted recovery group, a gambler’s IOP, gender-specific anger management group therapy, DUI groups, crisis stabilization, drug and urine screens, group therapy for PTSD, parenting classes and an employee assistance program. For those in need of residential care, The Amity Treatment Center offers 21 to 28 day programs for men and women. There is also The Genesis Program for Women which offers long-term, gender-specific care.
In Summary
Westbrook Health Service offers a range of outpatient mental health and social services for adults and adolescents. Mixing 12-step philosophies and evidence-based therapies, clients enrolled in the substance abuse recovery program get the best of both worlds. Westbrook Health Service offers a wide range of tools to start and sustain a life of sobriety.
Westbrook Health Service
2121 East Seventh St
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Westbrook Health Service Cost: Varies by program. Reach Westbrook Health Service by phone at (304)485-1712. Find Westbrook Health Service on Facebook
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Photo courtesy of Tim Kiser (w:User:Malepheasant) (Own work (self-made photograph)) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via WikimediaCommons (resized and cropped)
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