The Basics
An Oklahoma institution for over 25 years, Eagle Ridge Institute is a CARF-accredited non-profit which offers substance abuse care to women and adolescents in the Oklahoma City area. The Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center in Guthrie, a small city in the greater Oklahoma City metropolitan area, offers residential care for pre-natal and post-partum women and their children.
Accommodations and Food
The Eagle Ridge Family Treatment Center is set in a residential home which houses no more than 20 women at a time. Children under 12 are able to accompany their mothers to treatment. In these cases, residents have a private room they share with their child, which comes with a twin bed and crib or toddler bed for the child, along with basic furnishings. Children receive on-site day-care services each day during their mother’s treatment sessions. Otherwise, pre-natal and post-partum women or mothers working towards reunification with their children share a room with one other roommate. Bathrooms are communal and are typically shared between four clients at a time. There is a chef on staff who provides breakfast and dinner services in the house dining room and clients work with the Eagle Ridge staff to prepare dinner as part of their weekly chores.
Treatment and Staff
Because the Eagle Ridge Institute is state-funded and in-demand for women in Oklahoma City, all clients must register to be on waiting list before being accepted into the program. Once accepted, residents in need are referred to a local detox facility since those services are not available at Eagle Ridge.
Once a resident’s stay at Eagle Ridge begins, treatment consists primarily of group and individual therapy sessions each week, Monday through Friday at the residential facility. These are led by LADCs and use CBT with special sessions for trauma-informed care and a family program. There are also support technicians who provide 24/7 care throughout each client’s stay. After their daily treatment regimen, residents have periods of free time each day in which they typically work on homework, read, do their weekly chores or watch television in the common area.
There is no medical doctor nor a psychiatrist on staff at the facility, though clients in need of these services can be referred to an outside specialist. As a result, there is no dual diagnosis support at Eagle Ridge either. Since the facility does not offer outpatient care, clients who wish to continue treatment are often referred to another facility. The Eagle Ridge program is long term and while there is no set length of treatment, residents typically stay at the facility for nine months on average.
In addition to the residential program, Eagle Ridge offers two specific youth and adolescent services in the Oklahoma City area. The first is the Eagle Ridge Therapeutic Foster Care program, which places foster children in supportive therapeutic homes. This service is the longest-standing therapeutic foster care placement service in the state. They also offer the Eagle Wings after-school program which targets at-risk inner-city youth in Oklahoma City through a variety of outreach programs, including mentoring, academic help, athletics, music classes and art and chess programs at participating schools.
In Summary
In all, Eagle Ridge Institute has a long tenure in the area and provides valuable services to mothers and mothers-to-be. Residents can expect comprehensive inpatient care in an environment that allows them to stay with their children. Though dual diagnosis services are not provided, Eagle Ridge remains a much sought-after program for women in the Oklahoma City area.
Eagle Ridge Institute
601 N.E. 63rd St
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Eagle Ridge Institute Cost: Varies by insurance (30 days). Reach Eagle Ridge Institute by phone at (405) 840-1359 or by email at Find Eagle Ridge Institute on Facebook and Twitter
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Photo courtesy of katsrcool (Flickr: Automobile Alley in Oklahoma City) [CC BY 2.0 (], via WikimediaCommons (resized and cropped)
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